Funding for a South Side charter school connected to former Ill. House Speaker Michael Madigan has reportedly been hit a roadblock.
Funding for a South Side charter school connected to former Ill. House Speaker Michael Madigan has reportedly been hit a roadblock.
In a recent presentation, tax and budget guru Ralph Martire demystified Illinois' 2017 school-funding legislation.
This audiobook (part of a series) features years of in-depth discussions by Chicago Reader columnist Ben Joravsky and journalist Dave Glowacz about public schools in Chicago.
Just before the resignation of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Forrest Claypool, Dave Glowacz and the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky examined how Claypool got to be the CPS chief—and why Mayor Emanuel protects him.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on CPS chief Forrest Claypool's threat to end the 2017 schoolyear early.
Chicago Newsroom interview with reporters Lauren FitzPatrick, Sarah Karp, and Becky Vevea about CPS's new application process for high schools.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the annual Chicago Public Schools funding crisis, and the roles of Governor Bruce Rauner, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the General Assembly.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the stalled Cardenas-Garza ordinance that deals with the city's tax-increment financing surplus, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on why CTU leadership accepted a contract offer that some felt its members would surely reject, and more.
The city of Chicago proposes to sell highly valued real estate in South-Side Woodlawn to the University of Chicago for one dollar—a deal that one resident says will create an "educational ghetto."
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on classroom chaos created by the 20th-day student count, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the different pension holidays won by Chicago Public Schools, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the "more choice" argument for charter schools, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on what proponents of school closings have missed, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on how the investor-funded scheme demands that some kids not attend pre-K, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the justification for staying in school when you don't learn much, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on parents who vote for Rahm having delusional issues, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on how CPS's desire to maintain segregation might've kept at least one school open, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the issues about which principals as a group remained silent, and more.
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on whether Chicago schools' resegregation reflects a national trend, and more.