Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on whether the Daley administration's really lied about tax-increment financing, and more.
Tax-Increment Financing (TIF)
A TIF Under the Microscope

Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on why Chicago's inspector general audited tax-increment financing, and more.
The Armies Are Gathering

Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky about the father of tax-increment financing activism, and more.
Who Wins in Daley's TIF Game
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on tax-increment financing's fundamental flaw, and how to fix it, and more.
Check the Thermostat in Hell
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the typical Chicagoan's phases of TIF understanding, and more.
Shedding Light on the Shadow Budget

Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on when logic fails in figuring how the city apportions TIF revenues, and more.
Transparency in Action

Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on why Oak Park Senator Harmon might carry water for Mayor Daley, and more.
Clout on the Calumet River
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on a profile of the Southeast Side, and more.
The Shadow Budget
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on what the "TIF sunshine" ordinance leaves in the dark, and more.
Ready, Set, Hike
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on why city officials constantly restate the effects of tax-increment financing, and more.
Mr. Big Spender
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on Mayor Washington's wisdom in creating the Central Loop TIF district, and more.
University Village: The Story's Not Finished
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on why Chicago's newspapers don't report on TIF districts, and more.
Taking Advantage of TIF Ignorance
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on whether panic peddling typically occurs in TIF districts, and more.
Stimulus, Chicago-Style
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the three ways to end corporate relocation subsidies, and more.
Show Us the Money
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on a tax increment financing refresher, and more.
Money for Nothing
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on winning the quinella of revenue loss, and more.
Out the Window
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on whether city managers monitor TIF agreements, and more.
When the Slush Dries Up
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on the future of the Reader's print edition, and more.
Three Million Lawsuits Oughta Do It
For residents who might want to take the City of Chicago to court over improperly financed development, Dave Glowacz and the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky walk through a list of the potentially suit-winning properties.
The TIF That Keeps On Taking
Interview with the Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky on Ben's confession and pledge, and more.